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Monday, 26 November 2012

Repository GroupBy

Repository GroupBy


For use in setting up aggregate navigation. It specifies the logical columns that define the level of the aggregate data existing in a physical aggregate table.

For example, if an aggregate table contains data grouped by store and by month, specify the following syntax in the content filter (General tab of Logical Source dialog):


The GROUPBYCOLUMN function is only for use in configuring a repository. You cannot use it to form SQL statements.


For use in setting up aggregate navigation. It specifies the dimension levels that define the level of the aggregate data existing in a physical aggregate table.

For example, if an aggregate table contains data at the store and month levels, and if you have defined dimensions (Geography and Customers) containing these levels, specify the following syntax in the content filter (General tab of Logical Source dialog):


The GROUPBYLEVEL function is only for use in configuring a repository. You cannot use it to form SQL statements.

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