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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

OBIA Upgrade Catalog

OBIA Upgrade Catalog 10g to 11g

Merging Oracle BI Applications Version Presentation Catalog With Current (Custom) Catalog

Before you begin this procedure, you must have already upgraded your current (custom) catalog to the
Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g format.
You need to perform the following tasks to complete the presentation merge process.
In releases of Oracle BI Applications previous to 7.9, the Presentation Catalog (formerly known as the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog) was stored in a single file rather than in a directory structure of individual files. If you have a previous version of the Presentation Catalog, you will need to convert it to the new format. For more information about how to convert the Presentation Catalog to the new format, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

Trimming the Input Presentation Catalog

Before you upgrade and merge your current Presentation Catalog with the new Presentation Catalog, determine which of the existing content you want to keep and which new content you want to incorporate. Review your existing Presentation Catalog and determine the usage patterns of reports and dashboards. Note that some of the preconfigured content in the existing catalog may appear in the new version in a redesigned format. In addition, the new version includes completely new content. After you have decided the content that is to make up your enterprise Presentation Catalog, trim the input catalogs using the Catalog Manager. For information on trimming catalogs, see Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide.

Merging the Oracle BI Applications Version Presentation Catalog With Current (Custom) Catalog

Before you begin this procedure, you must have already upgraded your current (custom) catalog to the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g format.Follow the instructions in this section to merge the Oracle BI Applications version presentation catalog with the catalog you are currently using. This procedure uses the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Catalog Manager. High-level steps for the merge process are provided in this section. For detailed instructions on using the Catalog Manager.
To merge the Oracle BI Applications version presentation catalog with the current (custom) catalog
  1. Start the Catalog Manager, and open your current (custom) presentation catalog in offline mode.
    , "Starting Catalog Manager and Opening Catalogs," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).
  2. Start another instance of the Catalog Manager, and open the Oracle BI Applications version (out-of-the-box) presentation catalog in offline mode.
  3. Copy and paste the custom objects from your current presentation catalog into the Oracle BI Applications version (out-of-the-box) presentation catalog.
  4. If you created custom catalog groups that are not in the version presentation catalog, you need to convert the custom catalog groups to application roles in order to maintain consistency with the version presentation catalog.
    To convert custom catalog groups to application roles, run the following command:
    runcat.cmd/ -cmd replaceAccountInPermissions -old <Catalog Group Name> -oldType group -new <App Role Name> -newType role -offline  <catalog path>
    For example:
    runcat.cmd -cmd replaceAccountInPermissions -old "AP Analyst" -oldType group -new "AP Analyst" -newType role -offline  c:/SampleWebcat
    This command replaces a specified account with another in all catalog object ACLs and privileges in the presentation catalog, entirely in the offline mode. If an entirely new application role is specified as the replacement account, then it is necessary to refresh the GUIDs in the presentation catalog before it can be used.
    Note: If the specified replacement user or group is not already present in the presentation catalog 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)og already, then this operation will fail.
    For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).

Testing the Results of the Presentation Catalog Upgrade

Before you perform this step, you must first migrate the data into the upgraded data warehouse.
The Presentation Catalog upgrade functionality does not automatically carry over object permissions; therefore, you should review the Presentation Catalog object permissions before you perform this step.
This step ensures that the upgraded reports and the new preconfigured reports are functional and render correct results within the new, merged Presentation Catalog. This step is typically performed by visually inspecting the final results of the complete end-to-end upgrade process.
For upgraded reports, the preferred approach for comparison purposes is to have side-by-side environments, and have users review specific dashboard content between the two environments. Examine not only the look and feel of the application but also the data contained in the reports to make sure the content remains the same. It is recommended that you request users to use various elements of the user interface to validate results, such as global prompts, column selectors, report filters, drills, and navigations, as they normally do on a day-to-day basis.
Also review the overall visibility and administrative settings in the new Presentation Catalog to ensure they are correct. Pay careful attention to the visibility rules that are established for any content that was migrated during the upgrade. You might have to manually adjust these settings.

Regression Testing the Oracle BI Repository Merge

In performing a regression test for the repository merge, the objective is to collect a set of logical SQL statements that are used for reports and to verify that they continue to work with the new metadata. For this purpose, it is recommended that you perform the following procedure.
To perform regression testing
  1. Run the reports that are necessary to include in the regression suite. These reports might be a subset of the reports in the Presentation Catalog.
  2. Collect the logical SQL generated in the previous step. You can do this using Usage Tracking or by parsing the query log file.
    For information about Usage Tracking, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
  3. Execute the logical SQL against the old repository using the command line utility nQCmd.exe located in $ORACLE_BI_HOME\bifoundation\server\bin, and save the results to a file.
    For information about the nQCmd.exe utility, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
  4. Edit the logical SQL test scripts to account for the name changes or modifications resulting from the upgrade.
  5. Execute the edited logical SQL against the merged repository, and save the results.
  6. Compare the results from the steps above and try to explain the differences. If it is determined that these differences are due to the upgrade process, then you have to correct them manually.
    This repository now contains the merged content from the new OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd and the production repository.

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